I began questioning the nature of reality
and started listening
to the likes of Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Carl Sagan, and
Robert Anton Wilson. My faith in Science and Logic broke. I lost
my metaphysical grounding. I almost lost my sanity.
By the time I graduated, and after a lot of bad philosophical
writing, I had discovered that my goal in life was not to be
hyper-logical, but instead to help people heal. To that end, I’ve
embraced the psychoanalytic perspective of human nature,
specifically Carl Jung’s Analytic Psychology. Life seems to be a
story we are all telling ourselves, and the key to helping people
is to understand what kind of story they are telling themselves,
teach them how to be consciously engaged in their
storytelling, and how to metaprogram it, if they wish.
So, now, I mix all the things I love (learning, writing, teaching,
psychology, and above all else, helping others) right here in
this blog, newsletter, and modest course library where I study
and share the most effective science that helps people improve
their lives.